Monthly Report Example
We know it is important to you to receive your statistics in a timely fashion every month. Thus, we are very proud to implement an automated monthly report process. Starting in December 2019, each institution will receive their statistics directly from Google Analytics on the first of every month (the exact time may vary, but it will arrive within the 24hr window of the 1st). A graphic for interpreting these reports is available below. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let us know!
1. Number of Visitors
The number of Sessions represents the number of visitors who have viewed your collections. This number does include a single visitor who may have visited multiple times. In the sample report above, there are 90 visitors to the collections.
2. Number of Items Viewed per Visit
The number of Pages/Session represents the average number of items viewed per visit. In the sample report above, an average of 13.78 items were viewed per visit.
3. Number of Pages Viewed
Pageviews represents the total number of pages viewed. In the sample report above, a total of 1,240 pages were viewed.
The total number of Rows equates to the total number of items viewed. In the sample report above, a total of 638 items were viewed.
4. Number of Items
5. Most Visited Items
The pages listed 1-10 are the top 10 most visited items from your collections. To view the item, add “” before the text given in the list. i.e. “/digital/collection/columbus/id/928” becomes