Partners may host their own collections locally or take advantage of our free hosting services. If you plan on hosting your own collections, your digital asset management system must be OAI-PMH compliant. To host collections through our system, you must agree to our terms and policies. We have put together a quick comparison between hosting locally versus hosting through us. Please let us know if you have any questions about either method of participating.
Hosting Locally Vs. Hosting with the MDL
All items on our website are made publicly available. They may be downloaded for instruction and personal research under the provision of "fair use" in copyright law, however, use of materials in publication requires consent from the rights holder. The contributing institution is responsible for determining source material copyright status and obtaining any permissions necessary to place materials online.
Participation in the Mississippi Digital Library requires the creation of metadata (descriptive information) for your materials. All metadata must meet the standards outlined in our Best Practices and Metadata Guidelines. Training will be provided if needed.
Please note:
At this time, the Mississippi Digital Library only accepts Mississippi-based cultural heritage institutions as partners. If you have a personal collection you would like featured online, please contact your closest partner institution.
Please view this application checklist to prior to beginning the online form.
Partner with MDL:
Mississippi Digital Library
118 College Dr. #5053
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
Questions? Please let us know how we may help! Contact us.